5 Sneaky Things That Could Be Hurting Your Website Conversion

We all want our websites to be conversion machines. After all, it's meant to be somewhat of a 24/7 salesperson for your business, right? It's the always-on face of your brand. But sometimes the very elements we think are helping might actually be holding us back (eek!) 

After 15 years of working on websites, I've seen a lot, and I have thoughts…

Here are my hot takes on a few things that could actually be hurting your website conversion—and a few tips on how to fix them.


1. Homepage Hero Sliders / Carousels

You know those fancy hero sliders that rotate through images at the top of your homepage? They're also called carousels. They might look cool, but they’re often more distracting than helpful. Studies show that visitors usually don’t stick around long enough to see all the slides. Instead of delivering multiple messages at once, try focusing on one clear, compelling call to action. A static image (or a slow-moving background video) with a strong headline and a single CTA can be far more effective.

2. Too Many Choices

It’s tempting to show off all your amazing offerings right upfront but giving visitors too many choices can lead to decision paralysis. When people are overwhelmed they’re more likely to bounce without taking any action. Simplify your offerings on the homepage, and guide your visitors toward the next step in their journey. Less is more!

3. Too Much Content, Not Enough Space

It’s easy to get carried away with trying to showcase everything your brand has to offer, but a visually busy site can turn people off and lead to higher bounce rates. Negative space, or the empty space around your content, is your friend here. It makes your content easier to read, and draws attention to the most important elements on your page. Think of it like giving your users a clear path to follow—less noise, more clarity, and ultimately, more conversions.

4. Generic Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

Your CTAs are like signposts that guide your visitors toward taking the next step—whether that’s signing up for your newsletter, booking a consultation, or making a purchase. If your CTAs are buried, bland, or confusing (like “read more” or “click here”), they’re not doing their job. Make sure your CTAs are clear, compelling, and impossible to miss. Think action-oriented language, bold design, and strategic placement. (Pro tip: descriptive links and buttons are also good for digital accessibility and making sure your site is usable for people using assistive technology!) 

5. Stocky Stock Photos

We all love a good stock photo, but relying too heavily on them can make your website feel generic and impersonal. Your audience wants to connect with you—your brand, your story, your vibe. Swap out those cliché stock images for custom visuals that reflect your brand’s unique personality. Or forego photography altogether and use a typography-forward design (very hot right now) if it aligns with your brand. Authenticity always wins.

These might seem like small tweaks but they can make a big difference in your conversion rates. Give them a try and watch your website start working harder for you.

Got any questions or need help making some of these changes? Get in touch or hit reply. We are just a click away.



PS: This is the last chance I'll be offering our special 20% discount on the Brand Blueprint. That offer expires at the end of August. Get in touch to book yours.


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